Saturday, August 31, 2019

Describe the Role and Status of Women in the 1940s and 1950s Essay

After the First World War women had gained a huge step towards having equality with men. In 1918 married women over the age of 30 were given the right to vote. During the war women had proved themselves as capable as men, not only as nurses near the front lines working in very dangerous positions but also back in Britain working to help the war effort in jobs that before the war they could never have even had a chance of getting. However women were still a long way of having any vague equality with men, and when the men returned from war things changed as men were still considered far above women. Although it had got worse since the end of the war it should be recognised that womens role in society had been greatly improved since the days before the First World War. During the Second World War many of the men were conscripted to go away to war. This meant that their jobs now needed to be filled in order for the country to work., women got jobs in all areas of employment from working in manual labour to working in banks. They also managed to prove that they could do the jobs just as well as men and were able to work in jobs that had previously been for men only. Gaining all these new jobs had been a huge leap towards women gaining equality with men, however when the men returned from war most if the women lost their war time jobs. This happened because of a number of reasons. Firstly, public opinion in general believed that the soldiers who had been fighting deserved to come back to jobs and not have to struggle with unemployment. Also some bosses of small and large companies felt that men were still better and didnt want to employ women over men. A women who had worked as a welder during the war years was told, â€Å"Oh my goodness, youve got the best qualifications that we ever had apply for the job, but your a woman, and I wonder what the boys would say if I employed a woman† A newspaper editor was told when she was dismissed,†Oh its nothing wrong with your work, but we have to safeguard the succession and the successor has to be a man†. Bosses who were taking this line, and most of them were were infact taking and supporting the governments line. The governments official line said it is doubtless true that there are many jobs done during the war by women for which men are better suited, both mentally and physically. And, if there is to be a nation in the future, there must be children and children mean homes and endless chores. So that there must naturally be a drift back from the services and the factories to domestic work. I believe that this is showing that men and the government (dominated by men) were showing an incompetence to realise that women were able to do the jobs that men traditionally did. So although women had again gained a further step towards equality after the war they had again lost some of that newly gained freedom when the war ended in 1945. However not all women were displeased at societys attitude as after the war many women wanted to start families and now the men had come back from the war they were able to do this. The evidence for this lies in an area known as the baby boom, when the birth rate soared dramatically after the war. Even after the war when women were gaining more equality with men they did not have equal pay rates as men. A woman doing the same amount of work as a man would be paid two thirds of what a man would be paid. Women didnt, understandably find this fair and in August 1943 them women who worked at a Rolls Royce factory went on strike and after a week on strike they were given equal pay. However all over the rest of the country women continued be exploited by societies views. Even the government were not willing to even think about women being equal to men. When female school teachers asked for equal pay with men, Churchill dismissed their demand with one word. Even though now he was falling out of favour with the people and was soon to lose the general election, it showed that some men and in incredibly important positions within society, had no respect still for womens role in society. This meant that their status remained below a mans status even though in some cases they had become more equal, such as the right it do certain types of jobs. Before 1948 the government offered no medical assistance to women or their children only a small amount to men. In 1942 the Beveridge report was published which illustrated the importance of setting up a Welfare State which would look after all citizens equally. In July 1948 the National Health Service Act and the National Insurance Act were introduced for a weekly payment by all people earning wages. This was a huge advance for womens equality and their place in society as it now made them equal. In the first few months thousands of women went to the NHS to be treated of illnesses that they had previously had to suffer in silence. The introduction of the Welfare State also brought about the Butler Education Act. This meant that the minimum age to leave school was now raised to fifteen for all children. This was another huge advance for girls in school as it meant that there was now not only had free secondary education, and therefor this meant that the government recognised girls ability to thrive within a working and intellectual environment. It also meant that they were being put on the same level platform and being given equal opportunities in schools as boys, which would then go onto to effect the whole generations and its way of dealing with women as equals. However the system was slightly corrupt and it was not entirely equal. When pupils went up into secondary schools they had to take an 11+ exam to determine which type of school they would go in to. There were three different types, grammar for the most academic, secondary modern and technical for pupils who would be more suited to manual and primary sector jobs. Although the system seemed to give equal opportunities for both girls and boys there were infact more grammar schools for boys than there were for girls. The Welfare State also introduced family allowances to try and deal with poverty among families with a large numbers of children. It meant that for each child a small payment was paid to the women to help keep the child. This meant that the women now had some control over the finances within the household and that the man could not just go out and spend the money needed for the children. I believe that in the 1940s and 50s womens role in society improved greatly and that there were huge leaps made towards equality. However there were still some major issues that still had not been resolved and needed to be if there was going to get equality between men and women


Satisfied with the public transport regarding safety, cleanliness, frequency, Station service and Mike. And vast majority of students agreed that Melbourne public transport system work effectively; however, all the students in the survey are international and they believe they must get a travel concession card. Table of contents 1 Introduction 1 Background 2 Scope 3 Aim 4 Hypothesis 2 Methodology 3 Result 4 Conclusion 5 Recommendation 6 Bibliography 7 Appendix 05 10 Australia public transport fare is increasing every year, and for many years were the most expensive overall.Melbourne fares are the most expensive in Australia. Public transport cost is much higher than petrol in the car. Based on primary and secondary research, this report will analyze whether MIT students are satisfied with public transport or not . The aspects are 1 . Money, 2. Usage, 3. Satisfaction 1. 1 Background It has been said that Melbourne public transport service levels are unattractive to those with the opti on of car travel, and as a result public transport is neither convenient nor cheap.What it needs is a planning overhaul and competitive fares. This idea also support by survey â€Å"Melbourne fares are comparatively cheap â€Å". However on the other side, the statistics tell different story about the cost of the public transport. Recent figures from a Federal Government report suggested that the Variable cost' to households of commuting by car is $63 per week in the inner city and $82 per week in the outer suburbs, while the cost of commuting by public transport is Just $36 and $41 per week respectively. Melbourne fares are comparatively cheap† Another survey (Department of Infrastructure and transport, 2013) has shown that Australian use passenger vehicle vastly more than public transport. This survey also shows that , males use more public transport than female o get work or study,but older men prefer public transport and older women prefer passenger vehicle according to survey. In term of satisfaction, Australian satisfied with tram, bus and train. According (Public Transport performance, 2012) that overall satisfaction is increased recent year.It also provided that Australian satisfied bus more than tram and train. When it comes to frequency again bus performed vast more than tram and train. Bus and tram both performed same amount of service, train service is performed 98 percent but it is 1 percent less than bus and tram. Bus performed more in all the section of satisfaction performance. . 2 Scope : This report is limited to three aspects of the broader question â€Å"Are MIT students use public transport? † The aspects are 1 . Money, 2. Usage, 3. Satisfaction.Furthermore, the sample of the research is only 51 subjects. This is due to constraints of MIT students. 1. 3 Tit-n The aim of this report is to find out whether MIT students prefer public transport or not if yes then how often they use and how much they pay. This also depends on the ir satisfaction toward public transport. 1. 4 Hypothesis : This report assumes that MIT students spend more money than the rest of the Australian on public transport. In terms of Public transport use, it is believed that MIT student use more public transport compares to Australian.When it comes to satisfaction both MIT student and Australian are satisfied with public transport. 2 Methodology: This research project was carried out was through a survey. This survey consists of 17 questions and the sample size is 51 who are students from MIT. The nationalities are: Pakistan , India, Vietnamese, China, Nepal. In total there were 39 Male and 12 Female. 3 Results: fig 1 Usage By Gender fig 2 MIT Students prefer Public Transport significantly more than Private, is nine times ore popular than private. So the given pie chart shows that student use more public transport .And the most interesting figure 2 in Bar chart is Female use less public transport than Male. Male use 92% and female use l esser than it is 83%. So female more prefer her own transport. The bar chart shows about the experience of public transport regarding to cost . More MIT Student are reasonably to very satisfy with the cost. While the other major proportion is good, mostly MIT student are satisfied with the cost of the public transport . An the other hand, only 15% student doesn't satisfied with cost. This is the most popular question in our survey .The vast majority 74% MIT student want 50 percent concession on their mike . 8% students demand 40% concession on their tickets. And half of that want 30% concession. Interestingly, not a single student demand concession less than 20%. Melbourne Public Transport Work Effectively Bar chart shows that vast majority of MIT students are agree that public transport in Melbourne work effectively. 76% of the Male student happy with the public transport as same as female students, while one third female are disagree with this statement and half of that male stude nts are also have same opinion.The vast majority of students think that Public transport is cheap to get to MIT. Graph shows that 80% students prefer public transport on car ;however, one fourth of the students prefer car . 4 Conclusion: The aim of this report is to find out whether MIT students prefer public transport or not if yes then how often they use and how much they pay. This also depends on their satisfaction toward public transport. The original hypothesis of this report shows that MIT students spend more money than the rest of the Australian on public transport, which is similar to the result of the secondary research.The reason is that secondary research shows that Australian cost of commuting by public transport is not much higher. The Hypothesis stated that MIT students spend more than Australian and this is what result shows because of more usage of public transport. This Research looked at in terms of Public transport use, it is believed that MIT student use more pub lic transport compares to Australian, which is similar to the findings of secondary research. The Reason is that mostly MIT students have international students and they did not have other option than public transport.Also remarry research static shows that MIT student more public transport as compared to Private. Finally, When it comes to satisfaction both MIT student and Australian are satisfied with public transport, which is similar to the result of secondary research. Because Majority of MIT students are Satisfied with the public transport regarding safety, cleanliness, frequency, Station service and Mike. And vast majority of students agreed that Melbourne public transport system work effectively. 5 Recommendation: It is highly recommended that to the Government must give concession card to the international students .Also frequency of the public transport should be increased. One of the common recommendation from the students to give free internet in the public transport. So, figures make clear for us that public transport is cost saving but fares are only part of the public transport choice equation. Just as important – indeed, probably more important – are ‘convenience' factors such as short waiting times, decent travel speeds, reliable and plentiful service, cleanliness, and friendly staff. One needs a good quality of service as well as competitive pricing. 6 Bibliography: Australian Social Trends. (2013).

Friday, August 30, 2019

Proposed Business Process for a Clinic

Description of Proposed Solution Based on my Interview, observation, questionnaire, and my personal experience of having a treatment In Clan EX., optimization of the current system is proposed. The proposed system will be moving the patients' data from paper base into computer base. As mentioned on the previous chapter, the biggest problem of the current business process in Dental Clinic EX. happened because they are still using paper based for patient data and the patient's membership is heavily depend in a human memory.Therefore, by using computerized system will reduce the human errors that often occur in a business. Moreover, the computerized system will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of the time used to find patient's data in the inventory, effort, and Inventory space to keep patients data. Furthermore, by implementing a good system and high technology, the clinic can Increase Its reputation and customers' satisfaction. The concept of the proposed system Is to keep al l patients' data In a database and give a lifetime membership for the patients.The Information system that are covered in the proposed system are Patient Database, Treatment Price, and Transaction Record 81 4. 2. Proposed Business Process 4. 2. 1 . Context Diagram Figure 28. 1 – Context Diagram of Proposed System Figure 4. 1 above shows the differences between the current data flow with the data flow after the new system is proposed. The external agents in this system are still the same (Head of Doctor, Doctor, nurse, administrator, and patient), and they are connected with the Dental Clinic EX. proposed system.In this context diagram, there are significant changes of data flow for the administrator, doctor, and nurse compared to the context diagram before using the proposed system. Here are the comparisons for Admit Current System Proposed System Get appointment request Make schedule for doctors Create or search patient data Create patient data (in database) (paper base), an d give it to nurse. Receive price the treatment from the doctor Create a bill Get the bill from the printer and give it to the patient Record payment Check paper stock to record Check paper for printer patient data Table 4. Comparison of administrator Job Doctor Receive schedule list from the Receive schedule list from the administrator administrator Receive patient data from the Open patient data in database nurse Analyze X-ray result (if any) Update patient data (write the Update patient data (including progress of the treatment) treatment note, price, prescription, and bill) Save the updated X-ray result (if Save the updated X-ray result (if any) any) List all the treatment and price the treatment Create prescription Table 5. 3 Comparison of doctor Job Nurse Receive patient data from the administrator.Give patient data to the doctor. Help patient to get X-ray. Open patient's X-ray result and Open patient's X-ray result and display it in the monitor. Display it in the monitor. Pre pare and check equipments for Prepare and check equipments the treatment. Or the treatment. Give oral report about the quality Give oral report about the quality of the equipments to head of of the equipments to head of doctor. Receive order from head of Receive order from head of doctor about the equipment (order doctor about equipment to get new equipment or call the (order to get new equipment or supplier) Table 6. Comparison of nurse Job By looking at the three tables above, we can see that by using the proposed system, the doctors, nurses, and administrator has fewer Jobs to do. The detail of the data flow in the business process will be explained on the next section about Data Flow Diagram. 4. 2. 2. Data Flow Diagram of Proposed System After implementing the proposed system, there will be some changes in the Data Flow Diagram for treatment process, update patient data, and payment process. The changes of the Data Flow Diagram will be explained on section 4. 2. 2. 1 to section. Data Flow Diagram for Treatment and Update Patient Data Figure 29. 2 DVD for Proposed Treatment and Update Patient Data Figure 4. 2 shows the changes on the process for treatment and update patient data after using the proposed system. After using the proposed system, the DVD has less recess (two processes instead of three) and four external agents; admit, patient, nurse, and doctor. For a new patient, the administrator will input the data in a database when the patient comes to the clinic. After put the data in a database, the patient will get into the treatment room to get treatment, and the doctor will update the data after the treatment.Here is the detail of the treatment process: Process 1 – Update Patient Database Administrator updates the database by creating new patient data. Before do the treatment process, the doctor will load patient data, and X-ray result (if any) to be analyzed. Then update the data after finish the treatment process (after process 2). Process 2 – Do Treatment Process While the doctor is analyzing patient data, the nurse will prepare the equipment for the doctor to do the treatment. After the nurse finished the preparation, the doctor will begin the treatment process.If it is needed to have an X-ray to see the problem clearly, the nurse will help the patient in doing the Gray. When the treatment process is done, the doctor will update patient's data. Update in here means write patient medical history (treatment note), create a prescription, and create a bill for the customer. 89 . 2. 2. 2. Data Flow Diagram for Payment System and Record Transaction Diagram O Treatment list pant Bill record Patient Do transaction Payment Pay bill Figure 30. 3 DVD for Proposed Payment System The picture above shows the Data Flow Diagram for payment system, and record the transaction in a database.This DVD consists of two processes (print bill and pay bill), and three actors (doctor, admit, and patient). After the treatment, the doctor will print the bill. The bill will be printed in double paper. The copy of the bill is for the patient, and the original bill is for the administrator. Administrator will receive the rented bill, after that patient will pay the bill. Here is the detail of the DVD for proposed payment system: Process 1 – Print Bill In this process, doctor tick all treatments given to the patient by using the new application, and insert the price of each treatment, then print the bill.The bill will be printed at the administrator's desk and in a double paper, the copy of the bill is for the patient, and the actual bill is for the Process 2 – Pay Bill After receive the bill, patient will do transaction with the administrator to pay the bill. The payment can be done by using credit card with VISA and Master Card logo, debit BCC, or by cash. 1 4. 2. 2. 3. Data Flow Diagram for Prescription Prescription Update Database Figure 31. 4 Data Flow Diagram for create prescription Figure above shows the process of creating a prescription for a patient.The DVD consists of three actors (doctor, administrator, and patient) and one process (update patient database). The process of creating a prescription is called update patient database because the prescription is saved in a bundle with patient data. 92 Here are the details of DVD for create prescription: After the treatment, the doctor will use the application to create a prescription for the patient, and then print the prescription. The prescription will be printed on the administrator desk. After that, the administrator will give the prescription to the patient. 93 4. 3.Systems Flowchart For Business Process with The Proposed System Figure 4. 5 shows the business process of Dental Clinic EX. after using the proposed system. When the patient come to the clinic, the administrator will check whether the patient has the data in the database or not. If the patient does not have a data in a database, the administrator will ask him o r her to get information to create a new data for that patient. For regular patient, his or her data will be loaded by the doctor n the treatment room (in the current system, patient data moves from administrator to nurse, and nurse will hand it over to the doctor).The treatment process is still the same with the current system, but the process in updating patient data is different. In the current system, after the treatment, the doctor will update patient data (in paper), list all treatments and price the treatments, and then give the paper to the administrator. After that, the administrator will create a bill. If the patient needs a prescription, the doctor will write a prescription, and give the prescription to the administrator. In the new system, the doctor can create bill and prescription in the treatment room.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

How successful have development policies been in Latin American Select Essay

How successful have development policies been in Latin American Select one country and assess its economic evolution from Impor - Essay Example The economic strategy which is known by the name â€Å"Import Substitution Industrialization† arose in relatively under-developed countries as a response to global markets. It was clear that many Latin American countries in particular could not keep up with the fluctuations and demands of a free market system. Many of the participants in the world markets possessed vastly superior technologies, infrastructure and buying power due to their more developed status and stronger currencies. This left weaker economies very vulnerable and so their governments stepped in to guide industrialization in ways which assisted in the development of the country as a whole, rather than just successful trade between individual companies and external customers. The focus was on the internal market rather than on the export market, and the aim of this strategy was to reduce reliance on foreign goods and at the same time encourage local manufacturers to supply more and more goods. As one of the larger South American states, Brazil has played an important part in the economic development of this sub-continent. In the period from the middle of the nineteenth century until the Great Depression in 1929-30 the majority of Latin America enjoyed a phase of export-propelled growth. The combination of reduced buying and selling capacity in industrialized countries and the huge disruption of the Second World War caused great fluctuations in the world markets and this in turn prompted countries like Brazil to focus more on expanding their own internal market. This is where import substitution was devised, as a method of driving forward industrialization while at the same time reducing the country’s need for outside goods and foreign currencies. ... This encouraged innovation, and schemes were set up that allowed foreign companies to invest in Brazil, and transfer technology into that country so that the demand for finished goods could be met. Hirschman notes that countries who come late to industrialization can benefit from the knowledge that other countries have learned before them, for example Britain and other European states, and as a result of this the introduction of new working practices is much smoother. By the early 1960s import substitution industrialization in Brazil was judged to be a considerable success in the short term, but with some rather negative effects in the longer term. (Macario, 1964) One long term effect was that Brazilian industrialists became complacent, and they got used to the lack of competition that ensured their continued success, regardless how efficient they were. There was no external incentive to improve quality or efficiency, and so when Brazil wanted to participate in the world markets to o btain modern goods, it was found that Brazilian products fell far behind those of competitors. There was also very little independent decision making in the industrial sector, since most of the leadership came from government initiatives. When looking at the import substitution period in Brazil from 1930 onwards it is important to understand the significance of political changes which were introduced by the charismatic leader Getulio Vargas. By setting up a Ministry of Labor he managed to get dialogue going between industrialists and government and this eventually cemented his control over all aspects of the economy. (Roett: 2010, p. 38) This central control deepened import substitution policies and allowed various beneficial reforms such as

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Construction Technology and Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Construction Technology and Innovation - Essay Example Unlike modern construction approaches, the traditional building methods are characterized by multiple deliveries, expansive skilled workforce and uncertainties arising from costing and poor performance. The traditional building techniques also involve inter-dependent sub-groups and as such the quality of the final product cannot be assured. The tendering process could further complicate the whole process as learning curve problems are likely to resort. This paper discusses the modern methods of construction that are common in the UK. Modern Construction Methods The House builders Federation of the UK defines MMC as techniques, which entail efficient production management processes to achieve more quality building products. The modern methods of constructions that have become popular include open panels with lining materials, insulation services, windows, doors, internal wall finishes and external claddings. The UK construction industry is also embracing the use of ready-made parts, w hich are then pieced together. Unlike traditional houses, modern houses are built using concrete moulds and steels. A number of techniques have been embraced by those using modern construction methods. One of the popular techniques is the adoption of volumetric approach, which entails construction of three-dimensional modular units (Pan, Gibb & Dainty 2007, p.183). According to Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (2009, p.3), other common modern methods of construction include the use of floor and roof cassettes, pre-cast concrete foundations, and pre-formed wiring looms. In the recent past, UK MMC developments have been redesigned to look like traditional brick houses. It is assumed that this new approach will continue gaining favour with the UK residents. Industries and educational institutions could also take advantage of these new construction approaches in order to achieve the benefits that are detailed below. According to the UK government, modern building technique s have a host of attendant benefits. Firstly, modern houses are easier to construct and environmentally friendly as they involve less transportation of materials and produce less waste. Secondly, they result to fewer accidents and have less impact on local residents during construction. In addition, the modern housing methods require less labour and are economical as fewer materials are required. Thirdly, the modern methods of construction significantly reduce onsite build time by 50%, and thus reduce labour costs. According to a study that was commissioned by the Office of the deputy Prime Minister, the volumetric approach, reduces on-site build time to 16weeks compared to 39 weeks for brick and block style. Likewise, using open panels reduces on-site building time to 20 weeks compared to 39 weeks for brick-and-block style (National Audit Office 2005). The benefits of the modern construction methods are best highlighted by a report that was commissioned by National Audit Office (20 05, p.7). According to this report, MMC guarantees the UK residents safer houses because most of the materials are produced under controlled environments (Roy, Low & Waller 2005, p.60). This is unlike on-site building techniques where enhancing quality of products becomes very challenging. In addition, customers are able to preview the complete houses before making any purchases. Although modern methods of construction are likely to become popular, their levels of acceptability among the UK residents are

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

New nursing orientation and retention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

New nursing orientation and retention - Essay Example Presently, the orientation program in place seems to be achieving very little for graduate nurses. The program seems highly cumbersome and manual. This means that each nurse has so much at hand to deal with. This makes it very difficult for the new nurses to master anything. This is because they are forced to learn a little of many things at a time. There is the need for a new orientation model that is more competent and safe towards the nursing needs of graduate nurses; especially for emergency situations. The major objective of this new model should be able to play a role of helping nurses transit from recent graduates to professional nursing practitioners. It is suggested that the following topics be treated under the orientation for nurses under the Emergency Department: Due to the intensity of the orientation model, it is suggested that the timeline for the delivery of the whole program be nine (9) months instead of the usual six (6) months usually practiced in most nursing institutions. Below are excerpts of what the new model should be made up of. Stage 1: Three (3) months of structured orientation where by graduate nurses will be prepared exclusively under the care of a trained preceptor. Three months is suggested for this stage because of the fact that nurses are being prepared for emergency situations. This period will give the graduates a lot of mentorship to ensure that once they are detached, they can do a lot for themselves with the least aid. Stage 2: One (1) month of classroom based tuition and lecturing. It is highly recommended that as much as trained nursing tutors would come in to give lectures, a lot of the time be devoted for peer nurse learning. This is recommended because it would give the graduates a lot of time to freely express themselves and share ideas from their individual institutions that may be necessary for onward practice. Stage 3: This is the final stage and should be made up of five (5) months of individualized

Monday, August 26, 2019

Financial markets and institutions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Financial markets and institutions - Essay Example Any commodity market might be considered to be financial market if trader’s intention is not the immediate consumption of the commodity but as a means of delaying or accelerating consumption over time. Markets work by placing many interested sellers in one place, thus making them easier to find for potential buyers. An economy which relies primarily on connections between buyers and sellers to allot capital is known as a market economy. Financial markets are affected by forces of supply and demand, and allot capital over time through a price device such as the interest rate. Financial market could mean: organizations that facilitate the transaction in financial products, (for example, Stock exchanges facilitate the trade in stocks, bonds and warrants) and the coming together of buyers and sellers to trade financial products such as stocks and shares including: the use of stock exchanges; directly between buyers and sellers. There are different types of financial markets: capital market which provide finance through issuance of shares and bonds, commodity market which facilitate the trading of commodities, money market which arrange short term debt financing and investment, derivatives markets that provide instruments for the management of financial risk, insurance markets, which facilitate to cover of various risks and foreign exchange market which facilitate the trading of foreign exchange (Wikipedia, 2006). When looking at a financial institution it might seem to be a mediator between investors and customers. A financial institution might be considered as an agent that provides financial services for its customers. Financial institutions generally fall under financial rule from a government authority. The types of financial institutions include banks, building societies, credit unions, stock brokerages, and similar businesses. Financial institutions give service

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Catholic Church in Ireland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Catholic Church in Ireland - Essay Example The 1937 draft was a betrayal of women (Mulhoffand, 1995)2 According to Mulhoffand; women played an active role in the overthrow of colonialism, the rise of suffragette movement, and the progress of labour movement. The constitution enshrined the Catholic Church as the state religion and relegated women's place to the home and with it their ideals and aspirations. With the democratic states seeking to run its politics, the Church sought to establish a relationship that harbored on non-interfere in specific areas of social life such as family, education and vocation over which it held jurisdiction (Crotty, 2004)3. The Catholic Church in Ireland, once the dominant social institution commanding overwhelming affiliation of church-goers, today maintains a role familiar to its competitive, pluralistic and competing interests. Ireland is a mix state between church-state separation and state religious neutrality, but a look at the 1937 constitution indicates that the Irish state has never been neutral when it came to religion. The recent trends show that Irish State is far from neutral in handling different religious communities. Currently, the relationship between secularisation and Irish state policy looks weak (Kissane, 2003)4. Richard D. Richard D. Finnegan (Ireland: The Challenge of Conflict and Change, 1983) wrote that the Roman Catholic faith in Ireland survived the Reformation, its penal laws and independence movement because its people felt that the church's religious liberty juxtaposed with Ireland's quest for freedom; the people felt that devotion to the church was devotion to the country. Moreover, the Gaelic Ireland movement associated devotion to the church with Irish cultural identity (Crotty, 2004)5. The autonomy that the church enjoyed saw it create its own style of institutions devoid of backward peasantry class or dominant landlord; it emphasised on a more traditional classical curriculum in its school. Gleeson and Munnelly (2004:3) wrote that the Catholic Church was not in favour of the creation of a separate single school subject on citizenship as it believed that moral education and personal development were best taught through religious education (Dr. Harris, 2005).6 In 1878 the government passed an Intermediate Education Act in which every student who passed the Intermediate examination was offered between 3 and 10. The church termed this system as a murder of the education system. The church was against such frivolities, and guarded their control over education, citing that the government system was a deviation from nationalism. The church protected their system to encourage children to learn more on nationalism and language. The primary curriculum was widened to take in more subjects, and much stress was laid on encouraging nationalism, particularly in the teaching of history. Irish was made compulsory (Changes in the Irish Education System, Ireland: culture and religion, 1912-49, The Church also shaped public opinion against British nationalism and

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Impact of Domestic Violence on Childrens Socialisation Process Dissertation

Impact of Domestic Violence on Childrens Socialisation Process - Dissertation Example Since contemporary era has experienced tremendous alterations in the domestic set up, the rights and obligations of family members have also observed imperative changes in their nature and scope. Being the most innocent stratum of society, children turn out to be the target of these changes, and hence are most affected group of both the positive and negative changes of domestic establishment. The present study will be supported with Learning Theory by Miller and Dollard, Social Control Theory by Travis Hirschi, Cognitive Development Theory by Jean Piaget and Looking Glass Self Theory by Herbert Mead. The following hypothesis is being developed for the present study: The more the violence at domestic level in a group, community or social set up, the more the inclination of the youth towards criminal activities and perversion The main hypothesis has been supported with the following sub-hypotheses: The more the gender discrimination and conflict in a society, the higher the probabiliti es of violence and eventual perversion at massive scale The more unequal and unjust the division of labour at domestic level, the poorer the situation of socialisation process in family Interview-schedule has been selected as the tool for data collection for the research work. The researcher aims to conduct the research in London city, England. Twenty mothers, ten teachers and twenty children will be taken as respondents for the present study in order to give representation to different social classes, racial and ethnic groups, religious faiths and genders. The researcher will apply quota sampling in order to include all communities in the research work. After the completion of the study, the data was arrayed in orderly and tabular form in order to interpret the results and give suggestions at the end. CONTENTS Abstract †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚ ¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 1 Chapter I i) Introduction †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 4 ii) Statement of the Problem †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 6 iii) Aims & Objectives †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 7 iv) Sociological Significance †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 8 Chapter II Review of Relevant Literature †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 10 Chapter III Theoretical Framework †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 15 Chapter IV Research Me thodology †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 20 Chapter V General Findings of the Study †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. 24 Chapter VI Summary, Conclusion & Suggestions Summary †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 32 Conclusion †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 34 Suggestions †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ 36 Bibliography Appendi ces Chapter I Introduction Socialisation is aptly regarded as the process that turns a biological man into cultured one by learning the prevailing social norms, moral values and traditional ways of leading the group life while interacting with other members of society. Hence, socialisation refers to the process by which individuals acquire the values, beliefs, and behavioural patterns of the social groups to which they belong. â€Å"Socialisation is a developmental process in which an individual comes in contact with people and things that allow them to be socially acceptable.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Life after college Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Life after college - Term Paper Example Additionally, high numbers of job seekers with similar qualification have flooded the job market creating another significant challenge among the fresh graduate of proving their uniqueness before the recruitment panel (Carol, para10). This study therefore, will investigate the challenges that college students undergo through immediately after graduation. In above connection, the study will focus on unemployment and high debts among college graduates. Challenges student come across after college graduation, including unemployment and high debts Higher education has greatly been attributed to numerous benefits such as; improved standard of living, higher income, increased productivity and reduction in production cost among other benefits. Additionally, numerous states provide higher income to those with higher level of education as compared to those with lower education levels (Roksa, Josipa and Richard, para2-25). For instance, high school graduates were anticipated to receive lower i ncome as compared to diploma and degree holders. However, there have been some variations in respect education to level of education and income. ... Connectively, most college graduate faced the challenges of securing a job because most of the courses they took at their respective universities could not correlate with the market demand. This forced many employers to recruit college graduates from other foreign countries (Coy, paras1-6). In above connection, lack of adequate academic engagement such as working while still in college, especially during vacation has contributed greatly to unemployment among the college graduates. This is because through academic engagements students not only acquire new experience but also experience tremendous growth in their career life. This provides them competitive edge of securing a job after completing their college education (Roksa, Josipa and Richard, para17). Additionally, some college students may found that employers are not hiring on their geographical areas and therefore, some may find it quite challenging to move into new areas to look for a job due to housing and income problems (Car ol, paras1-5). On the other hand, most college graduates do not make to the interview room despite sending their application. This is because of improper writing of their resumes which denies them a chance to be invited for an interview despite being qualified for a job. However, some who make to an interview room fails to get a job due to failure of expressing themselves properly such that an employer can become convinced that they are the best candidates for a job. Connectively, majority of the college graduate tend to be confused on what to do after completing their college. This is because some do not know where to start (Carol, para5). Research report indicates that most students after graduation lacks financial freedom and tend to rely heavily on their parents

Research Topics with Explanation Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Topics with Explanation - Research Paper Example overnment is in a dilemma of either eliminating farm subsidies on the basis that the farmers have the capacity to fund their activities, or increasing this funding for the better of the country. The debate about nuclear energy has been ongoing for a long time. Thus, there are many resource materials about this topic. Additionally, many people have interest on issues concerning nuclear power. Information gathered would be highly invaluable to me and other people as well. The world faces a mounting task of preserving energy sources as the needs for energy keeps on rising. Scientists have proved that nuclear energy is one of the most clean and efficient sources of energy available to humankind. The same scientists are quick to add that the use of this source of energy pose the greatest threat to the same people it is supposed to be benefiting. Crime rates in America is said to be one of the highest in the World. The fact that it is affecting the minor is even more worrying. A lot of research has been done on the issues facilitating this kind of behavior. Communities living in the U.S are very much aware of this situation. Although the government is doing a lot to help the situation, they seem to be failing in the mission. This topic has the potential to provide an understanding of the problems young people are facing and how to respond to them. It is with no doubt that, there has been an upward trend of minor getting involved in violent criminal activities. However, the debate has been whether these kids should be held responsible for their action or simply put the blame on some other

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Black Consciousness in the Twentieth Century Essay Example for Free

Black Consciousness in the Twentieth Century Essay Ralph Ellison began his 1952 novel with the sentence; â€Å"I am an invisible man.† (Ellison 3) These five words summed up the way in which the majority of Black Americans felt about their place in society at the time. The Civil Rights Movement was still years away, and the caste of American society had placed the Black American near the bottom. The book is in the first person narrative, narrated by a man who considers himself by society’s view point to be invisible because of his race.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The self-awareness of the Black American was limited to only what the white establishment would allow – and in the majority of the country, that was very little. However, the essence for the change that would occur had already been born. The awakening, in the late 1950s, of the Black American would take place in religion, politics, self-awareness and literature. This would become exemplified by the manner in which women in the black communities were treated. The rise of domestic violence was an issue, even in 1950s America – and in both the homes of blacks and whites.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   There would be, though, differences in which this awakening would manifest itself. For some, like those who would march with Martin Luther King, non-violence and pacifism would be the dominate tool to their awakening. For others, the awakening would come in the form of a religious rebirth, and strong assertion of their place in society. There was a responsibility being neglected in the role of the black male to uphold his place of caregiver to his wife and family – as well as to the community as a whole. This was an important issue to realize, as the teachings of Islam would tell. â€Å"The white man wants black men to stay immoral, unclean, an ignorant†. (223). During the course of the novel the protagonists lists ways in which he has become invisible and the reaction he stirs within society because of his ‘blackness’, and as Ellis illustrates in the prologue of the book, â€Å"I live rent-free in a building rented strictly to whites, in a section of the basement that was shut off and forgotten during the nineteenth century.† (Ellis prologue).   The narrator goes on to state that light is a necessity for him since light to him is equivalent to truth (much as it was in Plato’s cave – so here the reader gains a sense of philosophy and of intelligence from the narrator). Throughout the course of the events that aid in defining the narrator the major first event occurs on his college’s campus.   The epiphany that the invisible man has during this time is that a black man whom he had once aspired to be like (i.e. to leave a legacy for his college) is not at all worthy of his aspiration but instead is merely a black man who has disguised himself enough to be able to ‘survive’ in the white dominated society.   Thus, the invisible man has his first exposure to mis-identities and the almost innate need that black men feel they have to become someone else in order to be a part of white society. In another act of deception in the book, the narrator (after a boiler room ‘accident’) is hospitalized; during a state of consciousness he discovers that he has been experimented upon with shock treatment without his knowledge.   This is a severe breach of his constitutional rights as well as his humanity.   Thus, the narrator finds out that he is not considered to be human, or even subhuman but rather a thing, an object, a less than real entity whose presence is a constant element of scorn and fear to the white race (at least through each of the experiences the invisible man has had with white people). Thus, not only is he destroyed through the perception of white people but through his own culture and race as Dr. Bledsoe has given the invisible man letters of recommendation whose intent was merely to waylay the invisible man from coming back to college and to not (as the invisible man had thought was their intention) to get him a job.   Therefore the invisible man is hoodwinked by a person whom he thought he could trust and this leads him to further epiphanies of himself and his race and either’s misconception. The novel is truly about self-awareness through objective perception.   Although the narrator finds brief solace with the Brotherhood and brother Jack (a black organization seeking to unite the black community in New York), this soon turns into another form of hate through jealousy.   The narrator’s position is replaced and he travels outside of Harlem only to return and find his friend dead.   Despite efforts to try and unite the Brotherhood again, the narrator is soon forced to recognized his grandfather’s maxim, â€Å"over come em with yeses, undermine em with grins, agree em to death and destruction. . . (Ellis). The novel is about a man whose invisibility is plagues by mis-identity, and whose overall undertones of outside prejudices define his life as well as his identity up to a point.   The ‘yes man’ that his grandfather advised him to do was a type of camouflage technique in which a man can exist wholly without being noticed by being, in essence, no one at all – by becoming invisible in order to survive.   The sacrifice that the invisible man does is to waylay his hopes and dreams in order to be nothing so that he may survive, not be gunned down by either Brother Jack or by the police.   In essence Ellis’ book contributed greatly to the recognition of the black consciousness and the state of the Civil Rights movement in order for blacks to not be invisible in order to exist. WORKS CITED Ellison, Ralph. The Invisible Man. Random House Inc. New York.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1952. Gates, Henry Louis. The Signifying Monkey: A Theory of African-American Literary Criticism.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   New York: Oxford UP, 1988. Klein, Marcus. After Alienation: American Novels in Mid-Century. New York: World, 1964. McSweeney, Kerry. Invisible Man: Race and Identity. Boston: Twayne, 1988.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Very Short Fairly Interesting And Reasonably English Language Essay

Very Short Fairly Interesting And Reasonably English Language Essay This is a book that I had read with easy understanding on organizational theories, various aspects to define organizational forms in different chapters like philosophy, management, psychology. High motivation approved because of not only focusing on business cases, however, involved military and wars or either Greys assumption with daily occurrence in the concept of what is an organization formed. Grey provided dichotomy of different aspects comparison seems to sketch a picture of organizational studies in my imaginary, impressing knowledge deeply in my subconscious for digestion. A book wrote by a professor working organizational behaviour at Warwick Business School, Chris Grey. What are the reasons for Grey to write this book? He had mentioned in the introduction that numerous of organization studies were hard carrying and reading for readers. Therefore, he had designed it elaborately as a short textbook with theories and organizations for readers, especially recommended to undergraduate students to stimulate their thinking on an advanced new area. Summary and Context The book has divided into three parts based on defining chapters. The first two chapters had written the classical issues are the infrastructure to contribute the recent theories of organizations. These two chapters had inserted various aspects in organizations to assist readers to have a basic understanding. A bureaucracy and rationality, was firstly having an assumption to a German sociologist, Max Weber, the former can be defined as a series of hierarchical relationships. Latter had split into two groups, formal or instrumental rationality with definition to achieve a goal by adopted the most efficiency way for that purpose; substantive or value rationality, this refer to bureaucracies focused on means more than results. Hawthorne studies, an assumption of human relations theory conducted in the 1920s and 1930s, comparing illumination experiment and the bank wiring room experiment to investigate further information of personhood. Certainly, there are more theories and cases had wr itten down in the book. Newcomers and experience readers may already have a contact to the above theories before Greys version had slightly difference of the original thinking of these themes, the general consideration of theories are boring to consult or either dusty. However, these theories had launched as a reference material that for the modern form of organization theory to reproduce. Secondly, Grey has concerned more on some contemporary goals in studying organizations in the following three chapters. This involved organizational culture and self-management, post-bureaucracy and change management and as well as fast capitalism and the end of management. The themes of chapter three are relevance organizational culture that a familiar range of initiatives which position values. Post-bureaucracy is a term of (supposedly) new organizational structures that (apparently) have replaced the stereo-organizational forms by pressuring its agility and fluidity. Fast capitalism is to accelerate and re-structuring to produce unfounded consequences for individuals and society. In chapter 6 Grey using his perspective to address the study of organizations, a business school is the place where the organisational studies began and taught and claimed as another part of contemporary academic study. In my view, the study of organization is a part for students ambitions to become a man ager or those who already have several year experiences on working as organizational managers on how to understand them contentedly, and also the connection between management and organization theories become obviously appeared. As for the final part, a conclusion, Grey mentioned the importance of studying organizations like to consider managerial concerns in a political way and realities is being equal to consult the truth of organizations in general. It is not only a conclusion in my purpose, he is trying to convince the readers to understand why they have to study organizations and at the same time to allow us to think deeply what is the truth and how we perform afterwards. This represented Greys is acting an intermediary through his writing rather than writing something to extend organizational knowledge to readers. Analysis There is a high organizational structure in this book. Preface and introduction allow readers to know more about the second edition and authors thinking at the beginning. An organizational structure formed in this book seems a metaphor for Grey giving a message of what an organization is in usual. Each chapter had designed two topics for readers to understand how organizational theories forms and within inside the chapters: Grey reveals his thought on comparing, critique, expounding and experiments in separation. The separation means Grey had set some sub-topic in every chapter to meticulous analyse those academic theories related to organizations. Conclusion had set up in every chapter to summarize his words allow readers to have clearer minding on organizational knowledge. Greys words are spontaneous and detailed in the book. There is no space for empirical or philosophical precisions, which we have to compare in organizational stuff. His writing had spent less time on discussing the psychological life of Taylor, and even not to focus on advanced investigation on philosophy within an unsophisticated way to point out. The style of Greys book is a stand out writing on argument which attracted many remarkable people to regards, using some ordinary language to speak a plain truth. One of an argument about goal displacement in bureaucratic dysfunctionalism: a security guard of a factory rejected a managing director enter to meet her creditors and result the factory closes down. This is a double theory that the guard should allow MD to get into factory or not rationally. Another example appeared in two conversations between a child and his dad which are simples, but they have a high contrast on the result of human relations between former and latter behaviou r changes. (p. 48-49) Grey is quite often to analyse the organizational theories with some professors speech and thinking. This writing can state an argument between other authors and him to allow readers to consult and consider a better choice. An academic idea from Linda Smircich (1983), suggested that organizational culture could be thought of two different ways: critical variable and root metaphor. A critical variable is to assume culture could be managed inevitably, amenable to intervention, control and definition. Another cultural speech from Smircich, Culture as a root metaphor means something the organization is rather than something it has. (p73) In a certain sense, a root metaphor is to represent that cultures are spontaneous and unmanaged. According Greys thought, culture is the leitmotif of a gathering of modern development that organizations have, which is not simply of a topic in organization studies. Another form of Greys writing is rarely touchable in organization studies, pointing out topics of what Grey is thinking. Pragmatism teaches through examples to motivate readers to restructure the organizational thinking rather than instructional education. The pragmatism that Grey used is not only on academic aspects on philosophy and psychology; he does simply use pragmatism at a certain amount on critical, empirical and analytical tools on theories to perform his pragmatic fashion. There are some pragmatic works had engaged in the book that he linked topics up as scientific management at the beginning, and then turned into post Fordist industries. Greys has a well meticulous planning on pragmatism using in organizational theories, and this allows readers to know how words can be used in the similar phenomenon. Evaluation This book has highly recommended to students and managers. There are some critical statements provided by Grey which is an opportunity for readers to learn organizational theories under informal structure. However, this is a book review and so I should not focus on how Greys merits, I have to evaluate its defect at the same time. There is an argument in the critical study on interpret. Organizations constructed by organizational theories are only a thesis with invalid points, and an ideology of that thesis is to stimulate managers to desire a higher status in their working places. Social science failed to create an efficacious knowledge because of unpredictable of human behaviours. There are some similar features of organizational theory, instrumental rationality, mentioned by Grey that within the using of unethical examples in the book to explain what rationality is. Management schools want to improve its status and socialize students; nevertheless, the schedules are empty. Readers are willing to seek some valid approaches to study what organization is. However, this information did not reveal in Greys writing. Based on an unconventional perspective of organizational theories, some of Greys writing are not broad enough of the field of organization studies. This makes some empirical readers lose their interests to get further advanced education in the book. Although it is a fact, but Grey had also pointed out that this is not a textbook, it is simply a comprehensive reading with several organizational knowledge and constructionist viewing. On my perspective, some of Greys themes had overextended, and some undeserved. There is a scenario related to the development of American management born, which found in military successfully in the Second World War. In my point of view, it is a story about the coordination between culture and management. Grey had mentioned the American logistics were as central to their military success. However, it did not mention deeply what American logistics had contributed. (p. 67) This is an insufficient thing in Greys explanation that I had mentioned previously. Conclusion After the reading, I would say that it is a high valuable book with explicit in theories and powerful critique of the organizations. I had pointed out the inward that the book describes Greys knowledge with the structure how Greys elaborated on those chapters (three main parts). Some thesis have mentioned with books theories like goal displacement in analysing paragraph and the argument mentioned in critical studies, which impressed in my heart. Studying organization is not only understanding its theories and process, we have to understand what is world, how does it changing, what the trend is etc. If we prefer to achieve higher quality of living standard, we will need to expand the traditional managerial thinking, which is an obtrusion that business management schools do to their students. In a nutshell, the price of this book is an opposite contrary of its original values. The price of this book is cheap compare to its value, which is incommensurability, the value of A very short book, I had explained in the previous paragraph. There is a phrase in the book impressed me deeply: formal rationality swallows up substantive rationality, and systemic rationality overwhelms individual rationality. (p. 29) This phrase convinced me to understand the running system of rationality perform and new thinking on management. I am going to use the theories from the book in my undergraduate, following fast capitalisms aims to adapt the world.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Problem With Sweatshops Economics Essay

The Problem With Sweatshops Economics Essay Sweat shops can be included by harmful materials, hazardous situations, extreme temperatures, or abuse from employers. The sweatshop workers often work long hours but just for a little pay, regardless of any laws mandating overtime pay or a minimum wage. A minimum wage means the lowest hourly, daily or monthly wage which employers pay to employees or workers legally . It is the lowest wage at which workers sell their labour without consider anything of their rights. The Sweatshops may not only exist in developing countries but also in developed countries. This kind of factory have existed in several different countries and cultures, including in the United States and European countries. And sweatshops usually ask for low levels of technology, but can produce many different kinds of goods, for example like toys, shoes, clothing, and furniture etc. Currently, the existence of sweat shops came out lots of arguments, problem like wether there have enough sweat shops for the humans who are in poor situations are more and more put forward to. In my point of view, the sweat shops can not be build up more, enterprise should treat their workers in human nature and government should give the factory a supervisory control. Discussion of the problem-There are not enough sweat shops of them There is no right or wrong for people judging to sweat shops. Like one proverbs said that every coin have two sides. Setting more sweat shops absolutly can increase the power of productions and also can reduce the rate of unemployment. But if we take a look at the situation of how workers work in the sweat shops and the way of how the tsarists treat their workers, issues which relate to human naturals and moral arguments will come out and make people deeply thinks. Sweat shops What is a sweat shop? When people think of sweat shop always image women and childern work in that place. They may working long hours in hot, dusty factories, under conditions that are bad for their health, and usually get very low wages paid. The location of this sort of sweatshop is often in a developing country. Actually, the description is not far from the reality, besides there are many kinds of sweatshops and they are found all over the world. A sweatshop is any factory which does not treat its workers in a fair way. And the condition of the sweat shops is terrible out of peopleà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s imaging. If any one of the above labour standards is not followed, life at a factory can be very umcomfortable and unpleasant. Workers may have more demanded of them than is humanly possible, and may lose their jobs if they do not comply. Sweatshops are notorious for having unsafe conditions. Buildings that have been built quickly and without obeying with building regulations can collapse on workers, and machinery can be faulty to cause other hazards, including dangerous chemicals or electrical products, the serious of accidents can all cause terrible injuries. Excessive overtime is common in sweatshops. Working 12-hour days, six days a week is not uncommon in garment factories. Short-term contracts that favour the employer are also a very common issue. Origenally, the poor people or the migrants who desperate to find work, will accept a position on the very loosest of contractual agreements and as a result, when the employer fails to pay people or simply fires them without good reason, they have few legal rights to fall back on to gain compensation. The division of labour in sweatshops is gendered because of the vast majority of workers are young women. The problems faced by many workers are also gendered as a result of gender-based notions of what is acceptable inform working conditions. Thus medical or maternity leave, employer and employee relations and the right to organize can all become gender biased. So the negative aspects of sweatshops have a disproportionate impact on women. And because of this, some people argue that efforts to fight with the poor working conditions in sweatshops should focus more on empowering women. Things like mistreatment of workers can come in various forms too. It is not useful to compare the actual hourly wage of workers across different countries because the standard of living varies from country to country is different. So a better way of comparing how a person is being well paid is whether or not they can support the basic needs of a family by their wage alone. This benchmark is often used rather than a countryà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s minimum wage, if the minimum wage is quite low, people cannot realistically survive on it. In any case, the pressure from Apple company soon will be to the Foxconn, because it can not afford any further damage to its brand, which can improve the working environment of workers. Years, Nikeà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s sweatshops in Vietnam events, so that severely damaged the Nike brand, after Nike to promote the implementation of a strict foundry policy. Economic globalization and Labour Protections Economic globalization, promoting worldwide economic development and wealth growth, but also led some labor issues worldwide. Reflected in the labor problem is not inadequate social-economic underdevelopment or wealth, but wealth and the inequitable distribution of social rights. This situation is due to the nature of economic globalization decision. The so-called economic globalization refers to a new world economic landscape. In this situation, the world has become a common market, economic and trade activities break the national and regional boundaries, not only commodities, but also capital flows which have also been broken the boundaries of national and regional capital Without Borders. The rules and practices of a market economy has become the worlds economic and trade activities within the framework of common values. WTO aims to free trade under capitalism and the market can not be non-discriminatory treatment of intervention. In promoting a global scale market economy, free trade can be realized with the undeniable positive significance. However, this promotion is based on the expansion of capital for the purpose and means, while capital requirements are for the expansion of the direct repression of labor. With economic globalization and trade liberalization, rapid development, social issues and labor-management conflict s have also become increasingly prominent problems. This is mainly as follows: the wealthy beneficiaries of globalization, the serious polarization of wealth distribution, a significant increase in unemployed workers, inadequate social security, working conditions deteriorate, a considerable number of workers trapped in poverty. The problems are not just widespread in developing countries, but also starting to spread to developed countries. With the economic globalization, the labor issue has already became a global issue. Thus, in order to make labor as the main body of the anti-globalization movement, and with the process of globalization go hand in hand, especially in December 1999, the WTO meeting was held in Seattle simultaneous large-scale public protests against globalization protesters in order to Protection of the rights of workers and against unfair competition as the call to dissolve the WTO. Then from the Quebec Summit of the Organization of American States, to the European Union summit in Gothenburg and Genoa Group of Eight summit, accompanied by labor as the main body of the public anti-globalization protests. As intensified anti-globalization movement around the world, showing that labor-management conflicts brought about by globalization has reached a very intense level. However, economic globalization has become an irreversible trend of development. And the WTO status and role are also can not be replaced and shaked. But if we do not face up and coordination of the growing international labor dispute, the aims and objectives of WTO will be fulfilled. Solving labor problem is not only an important condition for economic development, but also is important content of the economic and social development. Because globalization has brought wealth, but also brings inequality, while the greatest threat we face will be widening inequalities instability. A realistic option is that in the process of economic globalization, labor rights must be protected at the same time as a global goal. To achieve this goal, the basic purpose of the implementation of WTO and trade rules must be accompanied by implementation of the provisions of international labor conventions and of the international labor standards. Wether an enterprises should contract outside of the social responsibility is based on economic responsibility system and also depends on factors in enterprises. Under different social systems have different performance. The changes in Chinas corporate responsibility are decided by the change of government. If in the economic system, China is still a planned economy, then the corporate social responsibility is both infinite and limited. If the Chinese society is still a big government, small society model, then the business does not entail the number of do nothing outside social responsibility. If the change of government toward small government, big society, the direction of change, then the enterprise undertaken by the social responsibility of non-rigid bound must be increased. Therefore, the number of Chinese enterprises to take social responsibility in the future depends largely on the Chinese government in the direction of reform. On the current situation in China, Chinas compan ies rests primarily due to stay in the envy of things, some companies even within the responsibility of also failed to meet, such as payment of social insurance fund. The enterprises come from the society, and also will restore the society. This is a new situation for the relationship between social enterprises. Whatever the corporate life or death, grow or stay, it will finally taken by a community to accept its price of failure. More importantly, the society is the living environment of enterprises. Without a good environment, the enterprises hard to survive. Therefore, enterprises have a common prosperity and social relations, the market economy, enterprises and society even have a closer relationship, rather than become relatively distant relationship. The famouse strategic master Michael Porter (Michael E. Porter) said that there is no one company will have sufficient capacity and resources to solve all social problems, they must select and cross-cutting business of their own social problems to resolve. In one hand, the sweat shops engage market share to the enterpreneur, in the other hand, the sweat shops deprive the rights of the worker. It is the issue crossed by business and social ethics. We need to find an appropriate way to give the sweat shops and world economy a balance. Conclusion Although the argument of the existence of the sweat shops still continued. And what matter the effect it will take. The workers who are working in the sweat shops are still suffering with terribel accidents that anytime can happened. They still just can get lowest paid and still have their poor family on their more and more heavier shoulders. They are unhappy and that is againest the human naturals. We can hang up a slogn said that we want to fairness but we can not see the workers in the sweat shops are treated in equality. The Chinaà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s chairman Mao Zedong taught us that: the people, only the people, is the real motive force of historical development. A corporation can not stay in a long time without the people, the man power. Doing business in ethical way, considering problem with moral principle and treat human beings in human natural are the keys for corporations to be successful and evergreen.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Use of Oils in Sacraments Essay -- Bible Christianity Sacrament Ri

The Use of Oils in Sacraments 'Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit†¦'; Many of the sacraments that are celebrated today involve the use of oil. Baptism and confirmation are the two principle sacraments involving oils. In the Church liturgies, the actual significance of oil is often not known (or at least not fully) to the members of the parish faith community. This paper will examine the meaning of oil, the sacraments in which it is used, and prayers associated with it. There are three oils that are used in various sacraments: Chrism, Oil of Infirm, and the Oil of the Sick. The three oils are all equally important; however, an emphasis of sorts has been placed on the Sacred Chrism and the Oil of Infirm. The first sacrament, which will be examined, is baptism. The sacrament of baptism is most commonly associated with newborn children. The newborns (or adults) are new members of the Church, and new members of the Body of Christ. As with any sacrament, there is a standard procedure to follow when the sacrament is administered. Oil is not introduced in the Rite of Baptism until after the general intercessions, '†¦to introduce either the anointing with the oil of catechumens, or the laying on of hands.'; The oil is one of the most significant items used in the celebration of the Rite. Jesus, himself, particularly encouraged children to be baptized, 'Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, because the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these.'; During the time of Jesus, oil was used primarily used to show royalty; at this point in time, kings were the only 'anointed ones'. 'The completion of the sacrament consists, first, of the anointing with chrism, which signifies the royal priesthood of the baptized and enrollment into the company of the people of God†¦'; . Clearly, Chrism has a very powerful meaning in the celebration of baptism. Two thousand years ago, the Chrism was a sign of royalty and the tradition has carried on to today, where the 'royalty' are still anointed. The Church encourages that baptism be celebrated before the entire faith community. Baptisms usually take place during the Sunday liturgy. During the actual anointing of the candidates the celebrant says: 'we anoint you with the oil of salvation in the name of Christ ... form of anointing. The anointing is always to fortify the recipient. Anointing also solidifies the body and soul, which are temples of the Holy Spirit. WORKS CITED Benedict XIV, Ep. Ex quo primum tempore 52: Benedicti XIV -- Bullarium, v. 3 (Prati, 1847) 320. Bouley, Adam, Catholic Rites Today Abridged Texts For Students. Collegeville, MN: The Liturgical Press 1992, 164. Cyril of Jerusalem, Catech. 18, 33: PG 33, 1056. Epistolae Pontificae ad Concilium Florentinum spectantes, G. Hoffman, ed., Concilium Florentinum v. 1, ser. A, part 2 (Rome, 1944) 128. Mark 10:14 Sacramentary - Anointing Outside the Mass, Anointing, 124 Sacramentary -- A, Order Of A Baptism Celebrated By the Minister, 17 Sacramentary -- A, Structure of the Rite of Baptizing Children, 3 Sacramentary -- B, Prayer of Exorcism and Anointing Before Baptism, 50 Sacramentary - Rite of Confirmation Within the Mass, The Anointing With Chrism, 27 Sacramentary - Ordination of a Priest, Anointing of Hands, 24 Sacramentary - Anointing Outside the Mass, Anointing, 124 Tertullian, De resurrectione mortuorum 8, 3:CCL 2, 931. Trent, Unctione, ch. 2: Denz-Schon 1696

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Hybrid Cars Essay example -- Argumentative Persuasive Essays

Hybrid Cars In my basic presentation, I examined the practicality of HEVs (Hybrid Electric Vehicles), otherwise known as hybrids. The presentation gave some background about laws pertaining to emissions but at the same time was designed more to educate the consumer as to what a hybrid actually is. You do not plug it in! Current Emission Standards are confusing. At this point in time, we are at a major transition as to what will be the future of combustion vehicles. Present day standards do not call for the kind of emission requirements that will account for the current rate of global warming. To fix this problem we must either cut back on the number of vehicles on the road (not likely to happen) or use less fuel. There are many advantages to efficient fuel consumption. These advantages range from saving money to saving the environment. It will also make the United States stronger as a nation in that we can reduce dependency on foreign oil. The first question we ask ourselves: what is a hybrid? A hybrid is a vehicle that has both a combustion engine as well as an electric motor. With the batteries of today it is not possible to make a practical vehicle that will run solely on electric. These cars need to be recharged after a range of approximately 60 miles. This limitation does not make the car practical by today?s standards. Although, the number of hybrids on the road today is limited, in the future we should see most, if not all, passenger vehicles available with the hybrid option (an option that might very well become a requirement). The primary goal of the hybrid vehicle is to cut down on global-warming. The only way in which we can effectively reduce green house gas emissions is by burning less fossi... ...eir combustion counterparts. However, this will change once they become popular and, in actuality, the additional cost up front can quickly pay for itself with increased fuel savings. There is also the question of all these batteries. If the nickel metal hydride batteries aren?t disposed of properly, there could be environmental side effects. Who will fix these cars? Currently, a hybrid will have to be brought back to the dealership for maintenance and that could prove to be more expensive than a private mechanic. However, as hybrids become more popular and costs drop, so will the associated maintenance fees. With the benefits weighed against the drawbacks, it is clear that hybrid vehicles are a plausible measure in controlling greenhouse emissions. Bibliography

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Rise of the Planet of the Apes Film Analysis

One day, when he saw the father of the scientist having a fight with their neighbor, he attacked the neighbor ND was put in a prison for apes by the animal control. In the prison for apes, he witnessed the reality of the cruelty done to apes by humans causing him to make an army of intelligent apes he infected with the same virus that caused his intelligence and had an uprising to free the apes and himself in the redwoods forest. Based on the movie, the genetic breakthrough that happened were the drugs ALLS 112 and ALLS 1 13 that were labeled as the cure to the Alleghenies disease.These drugs contained a virus that lead organisms with strong immune systems to have heightened intelligence, full cognitive recovery, increased memory quality, and faster reparation of brain cells, although harmful to those with weak immune systems. In my own opinion, the evolutionary manipulation of man or any specie presented in the movie through the maneuvering of the brain cells and other parts of the brain of the ape the scientist performed seemed a bit unethical because this manipulation could lead to controlling the way of thinking and the actions of man or any other species.Genetics is related to the film because the story revolved around an ape that was infected with a man-made virus that focused on monitoring the variations in an organism through altering the way the brain cells work, thus also altering the different qualities and actions of the organism infected. Through the movie and the discussion, I realized that variations are significant because these are the distinctive qualities organisms have from other organisms. They are the unique traits present in everything and everyone that are used as a means of differentiating one thing from another.Variations could also be used to determine viruses and diseases present in organisms, like the green eyes the infected apes had in the movie due to the iris they had. Without variations, evolution wouldn't happen and everything and everyone would look alike and be the same. The movie â€Å"Rise of the Planet of the Apes† was mainly about an extremely intelligent ape leading an uprising Of apes he infected with the same virus a scientist made with the purpose of finding a cure for the Alchemist's disease that caused his intelligence, to lead the apes into freedom in the forests.Even though, in my own opinion, the evolutionary manipulation of man or any other species seemed unethical and a bit immoral, the subject of Genetics as prevalent in the movie through the genetic breakthroughs that happened in viruses that caused the quick reparation and improvement in the overall brain function of organisms with immune systems strong enough to withstand it.Through the movie, I realized the significance of variations in Genetics. Variations are significant because they are a means of differentiation between organisms, determining viruses and diseases present in an organism, they allow every organism to be uniq ue in different aspects, and they play an important role in universal evolution.

Dividend policy decision Essay

Dividend policy decision is one of the important decisions of corporate finance. A dividend policy should be such that it maximizes the shareholders wealth and provides adequate financing to the firm. A firm with fluctuation dividend policy is considered risky by the investors. (Shim & Siegel, 1998) Usually a stable dividend payout policy is maintained by companies. Leverage which is given by total debt/total assets, is negatively related to the dividend payments, that is higher the leverage in the firms capital lower is the dividend paid. Companies with less debt and sizeable tangible assets usually pay more dividends as it is usually stable. (Aivazian & Cleary, 2003) However, this has been contradicted by the signaling theory which says that the company’s which have high dividend payout ratio tend to be financed by debt and company’s which have low dividend payout ratio are more inclined to be financed by equity. (Chang & Rhee, 1990) The agency theory and tax preference theory suggests that there is a positive relationship between the institutional ownership and the dividend payouts. (Jenson, Solberg & Zorn 1992) However, both numbers of shares owned by institutional investors as well as proportion of institutional ownership does not significantly affect the dividend payout ratio. This is because the companies will not have to enter the capital markets for additional funds if they are owned by institutional investors which mean less compliance procedures and monitoring by the external authorities. On the other hand signaling theory advocates a negative relationship between the proportion of institutional ownership and dividend payments. There is a strong positive relationship between the profitability that is the Return on equity and dividend payments. The return on equity is given by net income/ shareholders equity. The higher the income would mean firms would have more money to distribute as dividends, and this would also convey better performance. (Ho, 2003). A firm with high business risk is inclined to pay lower dividends and the firm with stable earnings and low risk would pay high dividends. This is because the firm would be more likely to go bankrupt than a firm with low business risk as the earnings and liquidity position is not predictable. The agency theory of dividend policy says that there is a negative relationship between fixed asset ratio given by fixed asset by total assets and dividend payout ratio. The more money is blocked in the tangible fixed assets, the less is available to fund short term assets, which can be used as collateral security to finance the short term borrowings. The firms would not be able to have access to short term loan and would therefore depend on the retained earnings to meet the short term requirements. Firms which have high liquid assets would pay more dividends than firms with less liquid assets. Liquidity position of a company is measured by current assets / current liabilities. High cash availability would enable firms pay more dividends. Moreover if the liquidity position is high the probability of bankruptcy also reduces. Large firms would pay more dividends as they would have easy access to capital markets than small firms. As large firms are more diversified and less susceptible to financial distress, they pay more dividends to the shareholders than the smaller firms (Gul & Kealey 1999). The higher the growth opportunities the higher is the possibility of firms distributing low dividends. The profits would be retained by the firms in order to finance the expansion plans. Market to book value ratio is used as a proxy for growth opportunities. Hence, there is a negative ratio between market to book vale and dividend payments. Thus we find that all the factors play a role in formulation dividend policy. Some have significant impact while others factors may not have a considerable effect. Reference: Aivazian, V. , Booth I. , Cleary S. , (2003) Do emerging markets firms follow different dividend policies from the US firms? Journal of financial research, 26(3) pp. 371-387 Chang, R. P. , Rhee, S. G. , (1990) The impact of personal taxes on corporate dividend policy and structural decision, Financial management, 19(2) pp. 21-31 Gul, F. A. , Kealey, B. T. , (1999) Investment opportunity set and corporate debt and dividend policies of Korean companies, Review of quantitative finance and accounting, 13(4) pp. 401-414 Ho, H. , (2003) Dividend Policies in Australia and Japan, International Advances in economic research Jensen, G. , Solberg, D. , Zorn, T. , (1992) Simultaneous determination of insider ownership, debt and dividend policies, Journal of financial quantitative analysis, pp 247-263 Shim, Jae K. , Siegel, Joel G. , (1998) Schaum’s outline of theory and problems of financial management, McGraw-Hill Professional, USA

Friday, August 16, 2019

Well Done Is Better Than Well Said (by Moshood)

Well done is better than well said Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, panel of judges co-debaters’ and my fellow audience a salaam alaykun. It gives me a great pleasure to speak for the motion quoted well done is better than well said. Well done is better than well said; says who, this is a famous quote of the popular old printer Benjamin Franklin. I strongly belief in the saying action speaks louder than voice I don’t believe in words I believe in action, do you believe in words?!!! We have been living in a world of unfulfilled promises, a world where liberty only lies in words, have we not heard enough of the sweet coated words of our governments and president, how long are we going to remain in this? , there are billions of promises yet to be fulfilled by our leaders, if we had known that their words were nothing we would not have voted for them!!! How much do you all trust your political leaders, whose sugar coated has no meaning save empty and pseudo promises. The government promises peace but yet killing of men is like that of killing chickens, the death rate has is on the rise and the burial ground keeps receiving visitors, well its so sad to know that words are easily said, forgotten and betrayed but actions are not. What would you say about the rising rate of unemployment, can you count the times government have promised employment opportunities, well don’t be surprised because words however sweet and pleasant will remain word if not accompanied with action. We need action to change the bearing of this country, we are potentially endowed yet the words of our leaders play little to bring us to the share of progress. Honorable judges, People easily speak about what they can’t do, why cant men let their action speak for them, wise men don’t speak their action speaks for them, because action removes the doubt that theory cannot solve. Coming down the stairs to our social lives; deceit, betrayal and lies has become a day to day activity, the three words â€Å"I LOVE YOU â€Å"has ended up many homes hopeless , unhappy and has even lead to so many torn homes , he claims to love her but never show care, he claims to love her but have no time for her, he deceived her with the words â€Å"I LOVE YOU â€Å" only to make her suffer and unhappy, he betrayed her trust in his words, he made her wish she knew the devil inside him but no, she only saw his sweet coated words initially, now she knows that its not what we say that shows who we really are, but rather what we do. Daddy tells me a thousands time I love you but has always been busy in is office and has no time to spend with me, no time to share problems together, no time to tell me stories and teach me about moral values. Would you prefer a thousand words to a good deed? I would rather stick to a good deed rather than a thousand words. Let me remind you of the fact that winners have program but losers have excuse, why should one preach what one can not do, doing something well is more powerful and effective than saying it well, all talk no action makes someone a boastful idiot that tries to build the skyscraper with his or her mouth.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Good Research Topic Essay

Many at times choosing an appropriate topic seem like a herculean task as a lot of problem areas may come to mind at the time of choosing the topic. What is more frustrating is being able to settle on a brilliant topic. Choosing the research topic is one of the most critical steps in conducting a successful by all standards. The truth is, the search for a good research topic is a daunting task, especially when researchers are often expected to know how to identify or figure out a good research question by themselves. It also is important for us to keep in mind that an initial topic that we come up with may not be the exact topic which we end up writing about. Research topics are often fluid and dictated more by the student’s ongoing research rather than by the original chosen topic. Such fluidity is common in research, and should be embraced as one of its many characteristics. The ability to identify and develop a good research topic depends on a number of factors. Fortunately, with every problem, there is always a place at which we can use as a starting point that will hopefully lead us to a desirable solution. The first important factor to consider when selecting or choosing a good research topic is to choose a topic that is of interest to them. The researcher should be able to ask themselves and identify where their interest lies, after all every individual will have at least an interest in one area or another. The fact that students approach their supervisors/ advisors with questions if they are faced with any confusion when conducting their research, the importance of the research advisor also having an interest in the chosen topic cannot be over emphasised. Research supervisors or advisors to a large extent, has a duty to coach, and give critical comments and reviews to the chosen topic. Uri Alon, a theoretical physics major turned systems biology expert (who is now one of the most renowned scientists in his field), per his own experience gave this piece of advice; â€Å"listen to your inner voice. † As he indicated, interest in a research problem is a subjective experience. In most instances, one’s actual interest clashes with the public interest and makes it impossible for the researcher to identify what their actual interest lies in. This however does not mean that pursuing a research of public interest is not a good option; in any case, a good research should be able to benefit the general population as a whole. We must be able to distinguish what we are interest in from other people’s opinion. This is what will inspire us and enable us stay focused throughout our research journey. For instance we can search within our hearts and minds problems in our various communities, industries or even continents which we are passionate about and would wish for these problems to be solved. This will help sieve out the many options from external sources such as the media, and focus on what we are interested in. In effect, if we have a research problem that has been bugging us for quite some time, chances are we have found our true interest to conduct our research on. Another attribute that makes a chosen topic a good one is whether the researcher has the requisite knowledge in their area of interest. It should be noted that doing a literature review enables us to have more insights in our area of interest, narrows down our research focus and directs us to ask more specific questions. In addition, knowing how much knowledge base is available on our chosen field will help us figure out what strategy to adopt in finding data. We can also read some other publications other than the text books and famous business journals available online as well as in print versions to be abreast with our chosen problem area. No matter how much potential our research question has, if we do not have the needed time to conduct our study, it can easily be a wasted effort and disappointment. A researcher can work on a time-feasible research project without having to sacrifice their interest, by breaking down the research problem into several smaller, manageable and more specific questions. It all depends how early they start their research activity. The main point here is for us as researchers to be more realistic about the time available and identify our research question accordingly. In order to ascertain whether an identified problem area must be researched on, it must satisfy primarily three (3) main conditions: i. There should be a perceived difference between what the current situation in the problem area is and what it should have been, all things being equal ii. The reason or reasons for this difference should be ambiguous. If the reason is readily known, then there is no point researching this problem area iii. There should be more that one (1) possible solution to the problem identified. It is very important and of a high significance that one chooses a research topic which is of significance to the current scenario in the society and one’s field of study. One therefore has to select research topics pertaining to business and management practices. Relevance is the key word in this regard. A clear understanding of the assignment will allow the student to focus on other aspects of the process, such as choosing a brilliant topic, which is, identifying the problem area and identifying their target audience. If a possible research topic is not addressing a priority problem, it is not worthwhile researching into it. To avoid duplication, care must be taken to ensure that the chosen topic has not been researched on. If one can find answers to the identified problem in already available, published or unpublished information, or just by using their common sense, then it will not be worthwhile conducting the research on the selected topic. Where it has been established that the problem area has already been researched into, the researcher must investigate whether the most important aspects of the problem area(s) still require some answers or the answers gathered by the predecessor researcher does not address the problem in its entirety. In this case, the same topic could be chosen otherwise the topic should be dropped. One of the most common difficulties in selecting a research topic is focusing on appropriate questions. Initially it might appear that the most exciting, interesting and relevant questions require a 10 year research programme, a team of research assistants and a multi-million research budget! But that isn’t actually the case. The question here is, â€Å"how can you make sure that the research project is feasible, manageable and ‘do-able’ within the normal constraints that he/ she will find themselves in? There are several practical considerations that almost always need to be considered when deciding on the feasibility of a research project. First, the researcher has to think about how long the research will take to accomplish. In addition, the researcher has to question whether there are important ethical constraints that need consideration. Also, one needs to establish whether they can achieve the needed cooperation to take the research project to its successful conclusion. Last and most importantly, the researcher should consider how significant the costs of conducting the research will be. Failure to consider any of these factors can be disastrous to the whole exercise. In general it is advisable for the one conducting the research to choose a topic that has the interest and support of the relevant authorities. This will increase the chance that the results of the study will be implemented. Topics that do not have the support or backing of the decision makers should be avoided as chances are they might never be implemented. In choosing a good research topic, the researcher must also consider the urgency in the needed research results for making a decision or developing interventions. Consideration must be given to which research should be done first and which could be done later. In effect, if the research cannot be done in a timely manner, then it better left not looking into. Topics or problem area that has been identified should be ethically acceptable. The researcher must be mindful of the possibility of their chosen area causing harm to others. We should consider whether there are any relevant ethical issues associated with our chosen area. If we happen to think our research isn’t ethical, we must drop the topic. In relation to the second part of the question which requires us to give five (5) examples of a good research topic and justify why we have chose them are as follow: Why doesn’t the average Ghanaian feel the effect of low inflation in their pockets? There have been impressive stories about declining inflation rates in Ghana in the past few months. The Ghana Statistical Services recently reported that inflation rate has decreased from 15. 2% in December 2003 to 8. 8% in January 2013. But while officials are painting a rather rosy picture of the economy, the average Ghanaian feels very ambivalent about these reported rates for the simple fact that they can hardly see the impact on their everyday cost of living. Economists have debated the seriousness of inflation since time immemorial, yet its economic cost remains ambiguous. It seems no matter the real economic cost of inflation, it does not show a real picture in the cost of living of the average Ghanaian. The confusion surrounding inflation rates in Ghana has to do with measurement problems. There are about three (3) ways of measuring inflation, that is, by the consumer Price Index (CPI), Producer Price Index (PPI) and the Gross National Product (GNP) deflator. The most commonly used index in Ghana is the CPI. Conducting a research on this problem area will inform us whether the CPI way of calculating the inflation rates reflects the actual state of the economy. In addition, we will figure out whether the various consumer products included are realist. The pricing structure of housing units in Ghana, how can it ever be regulated? Compared with other advanced countries, Ghana’s housing industry is at a rudimentary stage. High property prices particularly in the urban centres fuelled by a rapidly growing middle class and an uncontrollable urbanization have turned the housing industry into one of the critical developmental issues facing policy makers. It has been argued that the boom in the housing sector is largely driven by the surge to remittances. Others are of the opinions that the sector has experienced growth mainly because non-resident Ghanaians who have access to low-interest global funds are increasingly investing in the housing sector. If this is the case, then how come houses in Ghana are not affordable? A study into this area to a large extent will reveal the factors driving the pricing of housing units and alternative ways to make houses affordable to the middle class. Women in the corporate management, are they really improving performance? The impact of gender diversity and corporate leadership is not a new phenomenon. Gender diversity within senior management teams has become an increasingly topical issue for three related reasons. First, although the proportion of women at board level generally remains very low, it is changing across the world. Second, government intervention in this area has increased. About seven (7) countries have passed legislation mandating female board representatives to address the issue of fairness and equity. The third and most interesting of the debate around this topic has shifted from an issue equity and fairness to a question of superior performance over their male counterparts. If gender diversity on an entity’s board implies greater profitability then it would make sense to have more women in senior management regardless of government directive. This topic is of interest to a large number of people and as such has a lot literature available on it. It will make a brilliant research topic for these reasons. Are auditors really independent as they are perceived to be? Auditor independence has been termed the cornerstone of the auditing profession, since it is the foundation for the public’s trust in the attest function. However, auditors are faced with pressure to compete among themselves and the likelihood of them not being completely independent has increased overtime that is, staying in business over conforming to ethical requirements. A research in this area will inform us on the actual or perceived independence of auditors and how the business and ethical aspects can be managed. There will be a great literature review on this subject as are result of the Eron scandal in 2011, plus it is of interest to the corporate world. The social network phenomenon, Is it doing more harm than good to our relationships? It is a known fact there are many positives to social media and like everything, there is always a negative to balance the source. As social networks like facebook, twitter, myspace, instagram etc have left positive tracks within our lives; it has also affected us by turning us against one another. Social media whether we like it or not affects our relationships from family, both nuclear and extended, friends, schoolmates, work colleagues, marriages, dating partners, the list goes on and on. The question here is whether the positive effects outweighs the negatives and vice versa. A study in this area will help conclude if social media is worth it after all, on our various relationships. The importance of choosing a good research topic is the primary key to unlocking a successful research exercise. Getting the research question right is an essential, although not always a straightforward step in any research project. Settling on a research question is often difficult to do in isolation, therefore obtaining advice from experts and colleagues, collecting information from the literature and developing an awareness of the context in which the research is likely to be undertaken will all contribute to a successful outcome.